Tag: paper

  • Shapes and Frictions of Synthetic Data

    Shapes and Frictions of Synthetic Data

    New paper in Big Data & Society (open access) examining the phenomenon of synthetic data, theorizing it as non-representational data with autographic aspects. Link to the paper Presentation at LCAU symposium, summarizing the main points. Synthetic data are computer-generated data that mimic and substitute empirical observations without directly corresponding to real-world phenomena. Widely used in…

  • Autographic explorations of touch perception

    Autographic explorations of touch perception

    In this series of studies, together with Bernice Rogowitz and Laura Perovich, we explored a novel autographic method for recording touch interactions on the surface of objects. This allowed us to study how people use their sense of touch to gain information about objects and solve cognitive tasks related to them. This research is relevant…

  • What do we talk about when we talk about data physicality?

    What do we talk about when we talk about data physicality?

    Best Paper Award IEEE CG&A Published in IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications journal special issue on data physicalization Preprint Abstract: Data physicalizations “map data to physical form,” yet many canonical examples are not based on data sets. To address this contradiction, I argue that the practice of physicalization forces us to rethink traditional notions of data. This…

  • Data by Proxy – Material Traces as Autographic Visualizations

    Data by Proxy – Material Traces as Autographic Visualizations

    Summary of my 2019 paper at IEEE VIS 2019, originally written for Multiple Views: Visualization Research Explained. Following Introduction Data visualization has a seemingly trivial limitation: it can only begin once data exist. Once data exist, however, the material processes and conditions of their collection tend to be forgotten. Many public controversies — about the nature of…