Tag: chapter

  • Read the Introduction Chapter

    Read the Introduction Chapter

    “The principal disadvantage of symbols is that we confuse them withreal­ity,” as writer Alan Watts observes. One can easily get lost in the worldof digital media, making it difficult to imagine information that is not sym-bolically encoded in words, pixels, or bytes. And yet the material origins andmanifestations of data matter. Without considering them, a…

  • Wasting to Slow Time – the Materiality of Informational Waste

    Wasting to Slow Time – the Materiality of Informational Waste

    This chapter examines the concept of informational waste by tracing its relationships with energy, value, and time. The concept of data exhaust is often used as a metaphor for datasets that have outlived their original role and are subsequently used for the secondary purposes of analytics and surveillance. In this chapter, the concept is taken literally by…

  • Indexical Visualization

    Indexical Visualization

    The starting point of this project, a collaboration with Orkan Telhan. Published 2015 In Ubiquitous Computing, Complexity and Culture, edited by Ulrik Ekman, Jay David Bolter, Lily Diaz, Morten Søndergaard, and Maria Engberg, 288–303. New York: Routledge Indexical Visualization – the data-less information display Read the chapter Contemporary cultures of ubiquitous computing have given rise…